Nano a mikrotechnologie v chemickém inženýrství
Během 1. až 5. semestru musí student získat celkem 4 zápočty z tělesné výchovy. Jeden ze zápočtů lze nahradit absolvováním letního nebo zimního týdenního sportovního kurzu. Pro více informací zde.
1. ročník - zimní semestr
Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /var/www/virtual/nano/wp-content/plugins/bb-ultimate-addon old/modules/uabb-table/uabb-table.php on line 406
File could not be opened. Check the file's permissions to make sure it's readable by your server.
1. ročník - letní semestr
Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /var/www/virtual/nano/wp-content/plugins/bb-ultimate-addon old/modules/uabb-table/uabb-table.php on line 406
File could not be opened. Check the file's permissions to make sure it's readable by your server.
2. ročník - zimní semestr
Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /var/www/virtual/nano/wp-content/plugins/bb-ultimate-addon old/modules/uabb-table/uabb-table.php on line 406
File could not be opened. Check the file's permissions to make sure it's readable by your server.
2. ročník - letní semestr
Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /var/www/virtual/nano/wp-content/plugins/bb-ultimate-addon old/modules/uabb-table/uabb-table.php on line 406
File could not be opened. Check the file's permissions to make sure it's readable by your server.
3. ročník - zimní semestr
Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /var/www/virtual/nano/wp-content/plugins/bb-ultimate-addon old/modules/uabb-table/uabb-table.php on line 406
File could not be opened. Check the file's permissions to make sure it's readable by your server.
3. ročník - letní semestr
Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /var/www/virtual/nano/wp-content/plugins/bb-ultimate-addon old/modules/uabb-table/uabb-table.php on line 406
File could not be opened. Check the file's permissions to make sure it's readable by your server.